Reliable | Fast | 100 % Perfect Background Check Solutions with SAFE HIRING worldwide

Risk Focused Employment

Employer who want to prevent workplace violence should begin by using the right employment application and other  


SafeHiring is a gateway to help organizations with comprehensive risk focused employment background screening solutions wherever you need it. We discover complete and accurate employee’s hidden facts to reduce workplace risks before unexpected damages.

Workplace Fact Sheet

Resume/Application Falsification

  • 1/3 applicants lie on resumes
  • 53% HR professionals found false info
  • 51% found false info re past salaries

Cost Employee Turnover

  • Est. cost turnover can vary 25% to 200% annual compensation
  • Loss productivity
  • Morale issue


  • 6% of revenues will be lost in 2004 (CFEA)
  • 27% employees will steal given the opportunity
  • 3% employees will steal weekly / daily
  • 6% criminals commit 72% all crime
6% of revenues will be lost in 2004 (CFEA)
........................................................ 6%
27% Employees will steal given the opportunity
........................................................ 27%
3% Eemployees will steal weekly / daily
........................................................ 3%
6% Criminals commit 72% all crime
......................................................... 6%

Identity Fraud

  • 3.2M additional Tax File Numbers
  • Reliance on paper based documents­ No Biometric
  • 5 Mths to May 2003 ­ 14,000 passports lost/stolen
  • $3 Billion per annum

Drug Abuse

  • Employers obligated to ensure employees own H&S not endangered, or that of others
  • Losses result from absenteeism, reduced productivity, product defects and increased costs from insurance claims

Workplace Violence

  • Increased assaults & sexual assaults

How much companies face trouble from bad hiring?

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